We exist to inspire leaders to exemplify excellence, live passionately and
become the catalyst for change.

Welcome to the ‘TRANSFERENCE – Igniting Leaders to Excel’

Welcome to the ‘TRANSFERENCE – Igniting Leaders to Excel’

This community page affords you – the leader -the opportunity to comment on posts, but more importantly to ask any questions you have regarding your own journey. Counter-intuitive to what many of us have been led to believe throughout our lives, we are all leaders. This is regardless of whether you are a CEO, leader, manager, business owner, entrepreneur, employee, or even just you the individual. If we do not believe we are a leader in our own right, how can we ever take charge of our own destines, or those of our teams, or businesses?

Importantly, with the vison of Igniting Leaders to Excel, TRANSFERENCE is mindful of the fact that if we do not tailor our products to meet the needs of our clients, we are not providing you, the client and member of the TRANSFERENCE community, the impeccable service that you deserve. As many of you have probably experienced, a number of services provide information on what they think you need. Although a tried and proven method of disseminating one’s message, I expect it is safe to say in many instances this information is not always relevant to you, or even usable.

The benefit of this interactive blog is in recognising the individual leadership inherent in each and every one of us, TRANSFERENCE acknowledges that we all have different needs. If you are ready for tangible change, as you have all indicated you are by interacting on this blog, post your questions, comments, and most importantly, what areas you, the community members, would like to see TRANSFERENCE blogs addressing. If you take control of your own destiny, then you can expect results unlike those previously thought possible. Allowing me to best serve you will facilitate this journey will not only make your educational journey targeted and focused, but it will also make the process smoother and faster. We can all picture the immense benefits in this with everyone being able to enjoy and immerse ourselves in the experiences and journey of all TRANSFERENCE community members, both now, and into the future.

I look forward to responding to your questions with enthusiasm and dedication. Remember, the impossible is possible, it just takes a little longer to get there…